This following Code of Conduct applies to all leaders, hosts and participants who take part in our online workshop & events programme.

Code of Conduct

Ricefield Arts believes that our online community should be open to everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, age, or social class. We invite all hosts, workshop leaders and attendees to help us create a positive experience.

We – hosts, workshop leaders and attendees – agree to:

  • Treat each other with kindness, understanding and decency.
  • Be patient, and respect the needs and learning pace of other participants.
  • Understand that we adjusting to new online platforms and forms of communication.
  • Maintain a supportive environment where questions are welcomed.
  • Value the contributions of others.
  • Respect each other’s privacy.

Ricefield Arts will not tolerate behaviour which is discriminatory, aggressive, exclusionary or abusive. We reserve the right to warn or expel (from the Zoom meeting) any participants who do not adhere to the above Code of Conduct.

If you have any concerns about your behaviour or the behaviour of another participant you can message the workshop host privately, or email us at

Workshop content and/or chat box discussion must not be duplicated or shared in other channels without permission from Ricefield Arts.

Chat Box Etiquette

You are welcome to use the chat box to share greetings, feedback or to ask relevant questions. Your message will be visible to all participants if you message ‘Everyone in Meeting’. You can choose to message only the workshop host ‘Ricefield Arts’ by selecting this option in the drop down menu next to ‘To:’.

  • Stay on mute if requested and communicate with the host, leader and other participants only through the chat box.
  • Do not share private or personal information in the chat box.
  • Ensure discussion and questions are relevant to the workshop topic.
  • Check if your question has already been answered.