Upcoming Ricefield + Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) Cooking Pot events for May-June 2016:

Chinese Dumpling Night with Ricefield
12 May 2016, 7:30pm
£8 + booking fee

Ricefield Chinese Vegetarian Potluck Dinner
25 May 2016, 6pm

Ricefield: Making Dragon Boat Zongzi
9 June 2016, 7:30pm
£8 + booking fee

Wonton Night with Ricefield
30 June 2016, 7:30pm
£8 + booking fee

The first dumpling workshop is part of Voluntary Arts Week and is run by our amazing volunteers who will teach their version of Chinese dumplings and share stories of their family traditions around dumplings and dumpling-making.

All of these workshops are also part of the exciting CCA Cooking Pot project, to find out more please visit the programme at http://www.cca-glasgow.com/programme/55c8c46a97f38a3d20000002

CCA invites you to join in with Cooking Pot, a new project which will build a community of people who are passionate about food – making, sharing, eating and enjoying. Alongside a programme of events, we’re also looking for participants of all ages, talents and backgrounds to share recipes, cookery skills, tricks and tips with us, which we’ll document in video and text on cca-glasgow.com.